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Sarah Kalnajs, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant & Certified Pet Dog Trainer APDT/ABMA/IAABC
(608) 213-5304





"I received the "Language of Dogs" DVD a few days ago and I would just like to say how brilliant I think it is. I am very interested in dog's body language and have bought many books and videos/DVDs on the subject. On the whole they are pretty basic and do not show the subtleties to look out for.  I know the best way to get fluent in dog communication is by studying and looking out for these signs in dogs, but I have found that unless they are pointed out to you on a real dog (ie you are not just told about it or read it) they are hard to recognize and pick out, as they happen so quickly. Some of the DVDs I have bought have had a few good clips in them but the quality and standard of Sarah's is informative throughout. I found the 2nd DVD especially interesting, in particular the importance of 'space'. Hardly anyone mentions this, let alone shows it."

Rosie Whittaker

"Sarah Kalnajs has created a virtual video encyclopedia of canine body language. Like teaching any new language, the organization of the material allows the viewer to become familiar with individual signals first. We can then become fluent by viewing these signals in combinations during behavior sequences, while hearing descriptions of the action. The Language of Dogs would be helpful to any owner wanting to better understand their dog, and should be required viewing for all trainers."

Nicole Wilde, CPDT, author So You Want to be a Dog Trainer and Help for Your Fearful Dog.

Hi Sarah,

Just wanted to send along compliments on both of your DVD presentations. I'm sending along kudos to the folks who produced the DVD's as well. I've viewed MANY presentations and these two were by far the best in terms of both quality and material.  From the production quality alone, they were actually refreshing to watch.

Warm Regards,

Mike Robertson
Owner, Trainer, Behavior Consultant
White Mountain K-9 Academy

Language of Dogs
Understanding Canine Body Language and Other Communication Signals

  • What is your dog saying to you and to other dogs?
  • How can you tell when play turns to aggression?
  • How do dogs show friendliness, fear, or stress?

This educational video features a lively presentation and extensive footage of a variety breeds showing hundreds of examples of canine behavior and body language.

Behaviorist Sarah Kalnajs teaches you how to read these signals so that you can develop a better understanding of what's really going on in the canine world.

This video is perfect for dog owners or anyone who handles dogs or encounters them regularly while on the job.

DVD run-time:  2 hours 12 minutes

DVD region code:  None. Will play in any locale on any player.

This series has received high praise from professionals and pet owners alike:
I watched Sarah's "Language of Dogs" DVDs and agree with my colleagues here who watched them first - they are exceptional. I'll watch them again and again and again. And Sarah, your price is also exceptional. I paid several hundred dollars for videos with a similar theme and these contain far more usable information, in my opinion. You are a gifted teacher, too.
I highly recommend the DVDs for any member who wants to get better at reading dogs. In fact, they are including Sarah's DVDs in the list of required DVDs/videos for members on the path to certification and needing development in this area.

- Lynn D. Hoover, MSW, CDBC
"Language of Dogs" is a wonderful resource for trainers, consultants, shelter workers, dog owners ... it's for everyone and anyone who loves dogs. The knowledge gained through Sarah's thorough and thoughtful presentation will deeply and positively impact the bond we share with our canine friends.

- Mira Jones, BA, CDBC
Your DVD set on body language is simply superb! This is truly one of the best dog behavior DVDs I have ever purchased and I will be recommending it to everyone ... trainers colleagues, and students alike. You did an excellent job!

- Carolyn DeFiore, CDBC
I watched the first disk of the series from a friend of mine who has it and was really impressed by the quality of the footage, and your presence on screen. I think you gave us, trainers, a great tool. I am now ordering both sets for myself! Thank you.

- Marie-Gabrielle Selarque, CGC evaluator
I'd like to throw in my kudos for Sarah's DVDs! I watched them over the holidays and really enjoyed them! In my consultations and classes, I always put a lot of emphasis on learning body language. After watching these, I am going to recommend clients consider purchasing this DVD set. I can't think of anyone who could benefit more than the average dog owner ... where the need is great. Thanks so much for putting it out there for people to learn from. Every step gets us closer to being able to communicate with another species.

- Flip Biondi, NADOI, ADPT, IACP, IAABC Associate
I watched Sarah's DVDs on the Language of dogs, and they really are great. And so clear!! Excellent sound and picture quality, unmistakable examples - really, they're great. It's clear how much work and care has gone into the production of them, and the information is invaluable.

- Marjie Alonso, APDT, CPDT

I've been reviewing your Language of Dogs DVDs, and they're excellent.

- Caryl Wolff, CDBC, NADOI, CPDT
I received the first series of the DVDs and they are outstanding - the best I've seen and so educational.

- Maria VandenBoom


Am I Safe
The Art and Science of Canine Behavior Assessments

Thousands of unwanted dogs enter shelters and animal rescue groups each year. Some have detailed histories provided by the families who surrendered them, and others arrive with little or no background information.

The challenge for caretakers is to determine which dogs are safe to be placed, and create a comprehensive personality profile of these dogs that can be used to match them with the best possible new homes.

Dog professionals specializing in training and behavior are often called upon to help assess dogs for not only shelter and rescue organizations but also for families needing to re-home their dogs.

This video provides start-to-finish instructions for completing an assessment that is safe for the handler, fair to the dog, and has excellent predictability of future behavior. All support materials are provided, including a resource guarding scale and evaluation form.

DVD run-time:  3 hours 44 minutes

DVD region code:  None. Will play in any locale on any player.


Language of Dogs DVD set:  $39.95 (plus shipping)

Am I Safe DVD set:  $49.95 (plus shipping)

All prices are in US Dollars.

Send your order to Please specify which DVDs you want (LANGUAGE OF DOGS, AM I SAFE). Also, please include your COUNTRY and POSTAL CODE (ZIP CODE).

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